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  • Civic Museum
  • Civic Museum
Civic Museum

Housed in the ex Collegio dei Gesuiti (XVII century), it holds works of sacred art from the churches destroyed in the earthquake, finds from the archaeological excavations from the sites of Mokarta and Mount Polizo and Risorgimento relics The Arte sacra-Sacred Art section is mainly made up of fifteenth and sixteenth century sculptures, including the statue of the Madonna con Bambino-Madonna with Child, attributed to Francesco Laurana and works by Domenico and Antonello Gagini. The frescoes in the second room are notable: la Caduta di Cristo sotto la croce - the Fall of Christ under the cross (wall) and  Gesù e Maria in trionfo fra Santi - Jesus and Mary in triumph among the Saints (vault) by Francesco Ferrasiti from Bologna(1667). Among the paintings is a Madonna degli Angeli - Madonna of the Angels by Mariano Smeriglio (1604).

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